What is an accent?

What is an accent? Essentially, an accent is how the way you speak differs from the normal or neutral way a language is typically spoken. An accent is a unique pattern of speaking influenced by the sounds and rhythm of language. It is NOT a disorder that can be fixed but modified to sound more articulate and less distracting.

An accent is made up of syllables stress, intonation, liaisons and pronunciation, the form, function and flow of language.

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Sweet Mango

She called because her hands don’t work. Not like she would have preferred to text. That generation wants to hear your voice. Texts aren’t a form of communication to them, just a compromise they make to settle for an interaction with someone they hold dear. That generation loves pictures, that’s what they use the phone for so send them pictures instead of texting.

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Matthew CriscuolaComment
The wisdom hidden in your elder's clogged arteries.

You work to give your kids a better life. You accept that as the way. It’s not that the sacrifice isn’t worth it, it’s the cost of admission and the price of self-neglect and the slow painful death of the inner child. The sincere smile that peaks through the blood shot eyes. They were fighters, loyal and driven. They lived to the honor of the story of their time. But it’s an old and tired tale. They played the script that was given to them and they played it well.

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In Memoriam: Dr. Joel Stark

Dr. Joel Stark was a mentor, a creator, and a guardian of integrity. He put his passion to instill the highest virtues into the next generation at the forefront of his ambition. I am honored to have been his student. I will continue his legacy by inspiring others in the same manner he has inspired me.

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